Niagara Anti-Racism Association Candidate Questionnaire Late Responses for the 2022 Ontario Election

Sent May 11, 2022

We sent questionnaires to Niagara candidates with five questions about racism on Wednesday, May 11 with a deadline of end of the day Wednesday, May 18. The responses we received are available here but we did receive one completed questionnaire after the deadline and we are publishing it here.

This response is from the Niagara Centre NDP Campaign of Jeff Burch, the incumbent. We had phoned his campaign before the deadline and his campaign manager did apologize on his behalf for missing the deadline.

Niagara Centre (NDP late response)


1. Do you believe there is systemic racism in Niagara? Please briefly explain why you do or don't believe so.

2. As an MPP what are some of the specific actions you have already taken or will take to concretely reduce racism?

3. Diversity in constituency staff

4. Funding for Ontario Anti-Racism Directorate

5. What kind of resolution will you support for the dispute in Caledonia/1492 Land Back Lane?


1. Do you believe there is systemic racism in Niagara? Please briefly explain why you do or don't believe so.

Jeff Burch (NDP, Incumbent)


Yes, there is systemic racism in Niagara. Niagara, Ontario and Canada alike have a long history with racism. Systemic racism is prevalent in our schools in the way Black and Indigenous history is taught, in our employment industry, in health care and in policing. Our province has some of the highest rates of reported hate crimes. In my previous role as Executive Director for the Niagara Folk Arts Multicultural Centre, I saw first-hand the challenges racialized new Canadians face, and worked to ensure they had resources to help them navigate the systems that disproportionately impacted them.

Racism is alive in our communities, and we all have a role to play to ensure that our systems are rebuilt in a way that is fair and equitable.


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2. As an MPP what are some of the specific actions you have already taken or will take to concretely reduce racism?

Jeff Burch (NDP, Incumbent)


With my Ontario NDP caucus colleagues, we have proposed an Anti-Racism strategy for Ontario, informed by race-based data collection. We are proposing the following measures:

  • Appoint a minister responsible for anti-racism and fully fund the Anti-Racism Directorate into a full secretariat

  • Collect race-based data in all areas of health care

  • Treat anti-black racism as a public health crisis

  • Expand Indigenous health, to ensure health care delivery is culturally sensitive and that Indigenous health professionals are recruited and properly compensated

  • Introduce mandatory anti-oppression and anti-bias training for all public employees and legislatures

  • Establish an Ontario Anti-Racism Advisory and Advocacy Council

  • Amend the Education Act to address racism and discrimination

  • End streaming in Ontario, so that no student is put at a disadvantage due to systemic racism

  • Ensure Indigenous curriculum, formed with Indigenous leaders and educators

  • Pass the Ontario NDP’s bill to Make May 10 an annual provincial Day of Action on Anti-Asian Racism

  • Take urgent action to dismantle white supremacist groups in Ontario

  • Immediately pass the Our London Family Act

  • Addressing Islamophobia and Antisemitism in schools

Beyond the above, I am supportive of my colleague and chair of the Ontario NDP Black Caucus Laura Mae Lindo’s Bill 67: Racial Equity in the Education System Act. I supported Bill 86: The Our London Family Act. I will continue to support and advocate for these pieces of legislation, and any other anti-racist policies championed by our caucus.

Locally, I was proud to join Black Lives Matter protests in the region. At committee, I asked members seeking appointment to the Ontario Civilian Police Commission/Ontario Parole Board about systemic racism in Ontario’s judicial system, and their view on the boards role in addressing those issues.


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3. Diversity in constituency staff

(incumbent version)

How racially diverse is your constituency office staff?

What steps if any will you take to increase the racial diversity of your constituency office staff if re-elected?

Jeff Burch (NDP, Incumbent)


As of May 2022, three of constituency staff members identify as white.

The Ontario NDP is an equal opportunity employer. I am committed to making efforts to ensure that future positions are advertised in diverse venues, and our party actively encourages and promotes employment equity.


It's welcome to get a statement about how many of the staff are white but it's not clear the total this is out of.

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4. Funding for Ontario Anti-Racism Directorate

Will you restore the funding cut in 2018 from the Anti-Racism Directorate including factoring in inflation since the cut?

Jeff Burch (NDP, Incumbent)


We will fully restore the funding for the Anti-Racism Directorate and fund the ARD into a full secretariat.


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5. What kind of resolution will you support for the dispute in Caledonia/1492 Land Back Lane?

a) use Ontario Provincial Police or another force to remove protesters*

b) negotiate with Indigenous protesters*

c) other, please specify

* as Rin Simon, the Communist Party candidate and only Indigenous candidate running in Niagara, pointed out, “protesters” is the wrong word and the correct phrase is Indigenous Land Defenders. We apologize for this mistake.

Jeff Burch (NDP, Incumbent)


Ontario must honour it’s treaty responsibilities to the people of Six Nations. Less than 5% of the Haldimand tract now remains for the use of the Haudensaunee.

As the Ontario NDP, we are committed to establishing a true government-to-government relationship. We will immediately implement UNDRIP and ensure that Indigenous Peoples in Ontario are treated equitably under the law. Additionally, we will establish the Treaty Commission of Ontario with a clear mandate to independently and impartially help settle land claims and assist negotiations between the governments of Ontario, Canada and First Nations.


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